Security Reminder

Safety and security is everyone’s responsibility. Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with what you can do to play your part.

In public areas, like lobbies, exhibition spaces and stairwells:

  • Make sure your valuables or personal belongings are secured.
  • Be aware of what’s going on around you and report any issues or concerns to Security.

In restricted areas, remember to be AWARE:

Attention should be paid to your surroundings when entering the building. Be on the look-out for “tailgaters” coming in behind you. Wear your badge at all times. Access cards that are lost or stolen should be reported to security for deactivation immediately. Report any suspicious activity to security. Everyone entering restricted areas should swipe their badge. Do not share your access card or badge with anyone else.

Important contact information:

SECURITY: Hospital desk (416) 864-5323, Security-Urgent (x2999)

Please note that as of Dec. 4 2020, there will no longer be a Security guard stationed in the lobby. However, there will be increased Security presence and rounds conducted in the LKSKI building

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